Tuesday 20 May 2014

Scarborough Film Festival

Now celebrating its second anniversary, the Scarborough Film Festival, when compared to the Toronto Film Festival; an event that's on Par with many worldly cinema festivals.  Can be said to be a little more intimate amongst its' community.  Giving references to its theatres that are in and around the city of Scarborough; utilizing the untapped hidden resources of this corner of the GTA. 
This year the festival has 30 films being showcased over the course of 6 days.  

    The Attraction of this festival, is not only are tickets are readily available with a price range set between $25 to $10 based on ages; or gala event.  But these are quality films, from rising young stars ,directors, and cinematographers.  And the atmosphere has been very relaxed, but still holding its charm of being a spectacle.

Tuesday 13 May 2014


In a related topic to the Animation theme podcast, I did a month ago
The Disney Film – Frozen, has brought on a resurgence of fascination with ice sculptures. 

Here in Canada we have two big events  Icefest, which is held in Toronto, and Ice Magic – Festival in Banff, Alberta.  But, if you ever have a opportunity to visit Hong Kong; for almost a 3 month period beginning in December and ending sometime in February. A jaw-dropping spectacle of ice sculptures is presented at the Harbin International Ice & Snow Sculpture Festival.

Bringing the topic back to the fascination of Frozen. The recent 2 hour Season Finale of the ABC network Once Upon a Time - revealed they are bringing the Character of Elsa to the series, come this Fall.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Designer Homes

A California Base Company called Proto Homes have created an open concept home that allows your home to grow as your needs and lifestyle evolves.  Whether or not you have children, or should your children reach an age that they need there own space.  Or more importantly if you need to have more space in you living room, den, bedroom, or bathroom.  Proto Homes may be the right solution, even if a person who can’t decide the look of the there home either in the interior or exterior, by its wall color, tiling, window panes, or even height of their ceiling. This is just one of a few companies popping up that are giving homeowners a new perspective on quality living.
Of course like all perks, things cost money, Proto Homes are quick to build and maintenance is very practical in its lay out.  To better explain Epic homes a television show did a feature on the company.

The Wall Street Journal recently released an article on more sophisticated home designs, Proto homes was one of the companies that was referenced.  I was  recently asked why the sudden interest to blog about homes. As a home owner I am content with my current status and home arrangement; the novelty of a Proto home that both I and my circle of friends all share is when you have guests arriving for either a party or some social function in your home, accommodating adequate space, and the avoidance personal objects of being ruined or misplaced is an issue. Immediately you can see how much time and energy is save in recalibrating your house for the event; And to restore it all back to suit your needs once the party ends is the novelty of this particular design.