Monday 19 December 2022

Hawkeye (Limited Series)

Since viewing the Hurt Locker in theatres many years ago, I unknowingly became a fan of Jermey Renner, and his array of performances on both small and big screen. His past late night talk show interviews where it was revealed to me, he has a version of rested face - I found to be highly amusing, and kin to his dry humor, learning how he sustained serious injury in the movie Tag and that prevented him from doing action centric films for a small period left me sympathetic. However, after Bourne Legacy and Ghost Protocol the attachment of him refusing to commit to other franchises had me dubious on his personal motivations or the external forces of Hollywood in regard to his career choices. Unfortunately, all of the above aforementioned items and inquires will not get addressed in this blog. But, despite his under the radar portrayal of Clint Barton, the actor has far more ambitions than anyone is privy to see off the surface level of performances or arranged press junkets.

Since the forming of phase 1 of the MCU, the character of Hawkeye was first introduced as an agent of SHIELD in the Kenneth Branagh directed movie of THOR (2011). Since then, Renner's Hawkeye has made 6 appearances in the MCU and now headlines the titled series' Hawkeye.  Drawing from the artwork of David Aja for clips of the show's intro and extro, and receiving a producer's credit from comic-book writer Matt Fraction the series tangentially connects to the saga of Barton and Bishop's Hawkeye. The story has to first and formally line up with history of the character within the MCU,then  flush out the character development and backstory from within the pages of the comic book to provide this particular tale.  Taking place, a week away from Christmas, Clint Barton must separate from his family to aide a young Kate Bishop to recover a relic from his past that could have far reaching implications to him and his new protege. 

Haliee Steinfeld plays a fast talking quick on her feet Kate Bishop a super fan of Hawkeye, and a girl who the series revolves around. The moment she stumbles into a black-market auction until we reach the climax at Rockafella place; the arrows don't fly as furious as one would hope.  The series rests on Steinfeld's charisma and performance as a gallery of characters become largely the driving force for the series.   Bro! we get the track suit mafia, the one-eyed pizza dog, a girl who will be known as echo, and a low-level swordsman.  Oh! and comic-book assassin who for the sake of maintaining the MCU narrative is portrayed as a second-tier enforcer and a rich uptight and protective mother. This is the rogue gallery of characters who ultimately power this 6-episode limited series forward. Also, in this stew we are given some spices, which is A watch, A costume, and some LARPers who become quintessential as the show draws near to its conclusion. But the costume is what becomes the ultimate McGuffin for our band of characters, as for the Watch, it falls in line with Chekhov's theory, and the introduction to Grills and the LARPers opens the title character of Hawkeye in a different light and takes him out of his comfort zone to broaden the experience.

Like the character in Thor (2011), Hawkeye is a lone wolf character, who remains in the shadows, and is acutely present.  The general public becoming aware of the Avengers in 2012 from the attack of New York and is commemorated in 'Rogers' a Broadway play with the character of Hawkeye being dismissive from his lack of presence and his unwelcomed need for the spotlight. That lack of attention serves as mellow low-key mannerism of the character in the series and plays for more effect when working with energy of Kate Bishop.  The need to re-join his family gives us the urgency from days to the hours ticking away, as a battled wary Barton is man who experienced the cost of loss, on the facets to his life and is seeing his past interfering in the life of new.  

Hawkeye questions - will Clint Barton Return, will the mantle be passed on, what happens next in storytelling, what set up does the show offer in phase 5 and 6? only time will tell.