Wednesday 27 November 2013

Ultrasonic Technology for everyday usage

Staying with the theme of ultrasonic technology;  A Norwegian  company – Elliptic Labs are in the midst of brokering a deal to embed their ultrasound chip into handsets and tablets.  The chip uses sound waves  to interpret hand movement and gestures  Running along the same vein as Microsoft’s Kinect console, Elliptic Labs have perfected accurate gesture controls from up to a meter away of your cellphone.

In contrast to Samsung Galaxy S4 which uses an infrared sensor that can only interpret hand movement  within a very small zone. Elliptic’s gesture-control system uses sound rather sight ; with a 180-degree field  for greater range and freedom, it comes with the added incentive of consuming less power and works in the dark.  Its opposition, or competition is PrimeSense, the company that developed Microsoft’s Kinect console,  they have been steering to mobile technology  with their shrunken down sensor being utilized on the Nexus 10. 

In a related issue, Disney is testing a technology that allows users to “feel” the texture of an object on  flat touchscreen.   Their new technology involves sending tiny vibrations through the display that lets people “feel” the bumps, edges, and ridges of an object.  Ironically, ultrasonic takes away the need to touch the screen, and pardon the pun in  an almost magical experience.  The ideal application is the avoidance of dirty or sweaty hands’ like flicking through a recipe book while cooking, or going through music tracks  while working on your car or turning  page on an ebook.
The Technology reminded me of an early Keanu Reeves movies which applied this kind of technology theory, minus the virtual reality and gloves.  But the possibility is now here!!

Thursday 21 November 2013

Here comes the Boom!

When the City of Toronto held the G20 summit, Police forces deployed various means to counter crowd riots and upheavals.  Now, there is no argument in regards to abuse of
power over civil rights, nor the effectiveness of how well equipped they were to take on the task, but there is a fascination in regards to applying order from chaos in Less Lethal (LL) means. 

Bringing  into the discussion -  a movie;  In the film Kick Ass 2;  Hit Girl applied a device 'The Sick Stick' on the cool girls of her  high school.  The expected reaction of the device is similar to the expected  feeling  when applying the effects of ultrasound waves to disrupt the eardrums of a hostile crowd.  By it causing severe pain or major disorientation; it has been a proven instrument in crowd deterrence , the effects are nausea,  blurred vision, possible vertigo (Bucha effect), and cavitation.

 (in addition to Tasers, a topic I will leave for another day). An organization analyzing weapons is the CRT LL; Less lethal also applies to using rubber/gelatin bullets, leading the charge with new techniques is Rick Wyatt.

The photo is hard to make out, but the aftermath of impact of gelatin  is a welt no more than 2-3 inches in diameter after 8 hours, After 24 hours, the welt begins to show signs of colourization, and more prominent bruising and has expanded to about  4-5 inches in diameter.  After 72 hours the area is a little tender, but pain has subdued, and the colourization is more pronounced and the diameter has expanded to about 5  ½ - 6 inches in diameter.

Tuesday 12 November 2013

Chromecast is it worth buying?

A Christmas idea for the person who has everything and loves gadgets,

I like to recommend exploring Google’s new Chromecast its surprisingly inexpensive and a tool you may find worth having,  Essentially it’s just a digital media streaming adapter;  a dongle you attach to an HDMI port on your HDTV that allows you to play audio/video by streaming WIFI  from the internet or  local network.  So  you enjoy online music  and videos on your TV but you control it via your smartphone, tablet or laptop.  Though things like Netflix , Youtube,  and Google’s Play  (which comes with a series of built in Apps to choose and upload with).  I first used the Chrome cast to view an I-pay-per view event, and is miles above watching it on my small 11 inch netbook screen.  I can never go back to view it any other way.   For  better proof on  Set up here is an independent  first time user -  watch this video. 

Now if you are not tech savy,  and want the set up - step by step; and also you want to weigh in on the pros and cons.  Then here is some independent tech experts trying out the Chromecast, please be aware  these guys are tech minded so expect some jargon that may sound unfamiliar, but I do recommend looking up items that they do raise in question, to better your overall understanding.
But I need to give a balance assessment, as mentioned in the above videos other distributors need to sign on the Chromecast if it wants to survive .  I was disappointed I can't  stream my local mp3. And if your HDTV comes with Smart TV then you have a superior product existing built in your Television.
As for the proven alternative with a history of success  click the link for  Roku.

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Remember Guy Fawkes Day

This week we celebrate....
Guy Fawkes Day,..... I have never heard of the name or knew of the day, but its safe to say we know the face or faces. This week also brings out the worldwide Million Mask March of Anonymous members that coincide with Guy Fawkes Day. The purpose is to shed light and awareness to bullying, animal rights, corruption, exposing war crimes, human-rights violations and sexual violence. The message is straight forward and simple... Seeking justice for victims who weren’t able to find it themselves. When speaking to a member its been characterized as not really being a protest, but a celebration.

 “We make sure that you can’t hide in the dark anymore”.
The moment I saw the masks right away I remembered a very identifiable movie.