Wednesday 12 February 2014

Nike Wristband

The Nike Wristband product was introduced a year ago, so this new Fuelband SE is a minor upgrade; this year Nike has added Bluetooth 4.0 connectivity for more continuous, energy-efficiency.  In other words, it enables devices to connect and disconnect and sync automatically in the background, with less strain on the battery. So over the course of a week of solid use and many wireless syncs, You only need to recharge once. Charging via USB only takes a little over an hour.

So here is what it does and what it is - It's a wristband that doubles as a cool watch, counts steps, measures your motion, and your Fuel score and sends that data to an iPhone app, or to your computer. It can be worn in the shower, and has some fun social features that link you with friends who use NikeFuel apps. As a deeper coaching tool or life assistant.  Its like a video game you can compete with fellow teammate or work out with partner(s), at your own time and schedule. Likewise with those you interact with.

A single button operates everything on the FuelBand SE: clicking cycles through Time, Hours Won, Fuel "earned" for the day. You can add Calories (measuring estimated daily calorie burn), Steps (a pedometer), and offers hourly Move motivational reminders by changing settings via the FuelBand iOS app or Nike+ Connect Windows/Mac software and syncing.

I know I keep saying fuel, fuel, and fuel. Ok damn you marketing guy, the four-letter F word refers to a universal points system called NikeFuel that serves as a measurement of activity.

The bad news for people like me; it does not work on androids phones, only iPhone 4S and up, and it cost about $160 after taxes. So if your a sloth like me and need an incentive, it maybe worth checking out.

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