Sunday 18 October 2015

Horror Film Review #3


 The film had a limited run in select theatres this past August, and was easily missed by a mass audience.  Its Director Mickey Keating is a relative new comer, with 3 films under his belt in the past five years and another project in the works 'Carnage Park' . Starring Alan Ruck which is soon to be released; Keating is an artist who is slowly coming into his own.   On the surface POD is a low budget, independent movie, that can be dismissed as  nothing more than an film school art project. It has a good script with talented no name actors, who may one day surprise you down the road.

The Premise: Three siblings reunite at the family cabin in the woods when their brother Martin a shell shocked war vet leaves a questionable message that would ultimately forces an intervention.

Its ending resembles an generic episode from Tales of the Darkside, it can wet your appetite for the up coming X-Files Series set to debut on January 2016.  The overall consensus towards the film, is lacklustre,  It's poster appear to be more thrilling than the movie itself,  There are some gems, like the Martin's behaviour, its reminiscent to Brad Pitt's performance in 12 Monkeys.  However,  their sister Lyla has an over the top performance near the end of the film which I found misplaced.    Its on an obvious shoe string budget with local talented performers, which can be easily overlooked, but the film has a quick wrap up that felt  to me unfulfilling and sour.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

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