Sunday 1 November 2015

Horror Film Review #6

Green Inferno

It is an Eli Roth film,  if you are familiar with Roth's  body of work behind the camera, then he is mostly associated with torture porn big screen feature film adaptations. The most notarized would be the Hostel trilogy of films.  This movie is a tangent of Blum House productions  which has been ear marked as being the 7th of 10  films being released this year by the company, whose production model is usually to film in California as means of  cost controlling its over head. The movie did modestly well and exceeded the company's lower expectation. In contrast to its most recent double box office flop of  'Paranormal Activity The Ghost Dimension' and 'Jem and the Holograms'. which had high expectations.
The Premise: Green Inferno is a south American Horror story. Essentially university activists in a bid to protect some indigenous natives in the Peruvian jungle accidentally crash lands in the backyard of those they set out to protect, unaware that these savage natives are also cannibals.  The story is quite brilliant, the heroine played Lorenza Izzo ,who gets her spark of activism by a world issue lecture regarding treatment towards women, and in this multiple staged conclusion, she becomes engaged again as a victim of her own convictions. As Roth really drives home the dichotic irony of this film.  The plot of the movie is pretty laid out from beginning to end, the drama and tensions comes from actions and options remaining to the activists as their numbers dwindle.
Witnessing the fall in stature of their activist leader and the villainy of corporate business share a reversal of roles is also nicely crafted  layer to the film, giving brevity to what is a dark toned story.  This is a movie of little surprise or twists, but instead it is a straight in your face movie of man vs his environment  and those who enter in places they are not wanted. A movie that spear heads you to its point.

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