Friday 15 May 2020

Thor (2011)

At its inception in the 60's, Marvel Comics had a publishing agreement with its rival DC comics to release only eight titles a month. They showcased westerns, romances, science fiction, and war type themes to be printed in circulation. Stan Lee who came up with the idea of Thor along with artist Jack Kirby introduced fans to a 13 page feature in issue #83 of Journey into Mystery, on June 1962. There was no space to run the character with its own series at that time; but Journey into Mystery had a science fiction template that suited a character like Thor. As Kirby would continue the drawing of Thor for 70 more issues before handing over the reigns; but it was during that time he had created a visual world of Asgard, Thor's Father Odin, Loki, Norse Gods, and the Nine Realms. The popularity grew to the point that by issue #129 the title changed to Thor - Journey into Mystery making the character the spotlight of the series going forward.
Walter Simonson who took over the series as writer in 1983, focused on expanding the world by diving deeper into Norse Mythology with Villains like the Fire Demon Surtur, Thor's fighting companions in the Warriors Three, and Lady Sif.  He took the character and the publication of Thor to one of its all time heights and ran a self title series. 
The Film's Director Kenneth Branagh had the art director and designers take special attention to detail from the works or Kirby and characterizations and concepts of Simonson by both creating and connecting a fully realized world of Thor. Showcasing detailed set pieces like the shinny Mead hall of Asgard & the banquet tables, Jotunheim , the great thrown room of Odin, Heimdall's observatory and the actualization of the Bifrost.
In this movie Thor is a hybrid of the many concepts taking into account of what Stan Lee and his brother Larry Lieber created in writing the character, and the visual illustrations of  Jack Kirby, and bringing the history and world building of Walter Simonson. 
Initially in the comics Physician Donald Blake while travelling in Norway discovered a magical stick that transformed him to Thor, Blake worked with a nurse named Jane Foster who became a love interest and as the story developed we learn Blake was always Thor.  Odin sent his Son to learn humility while on earth as Blake.  In the film Blake was a former boyfriend of Jane and was a very brief disguise for Thor while he was made human on Earth.  Centuries ago Asgardians battled the Frost giants in Norway, as they tried to invade other realms like Midgard (Earth) and turn Norway into ice with their source of their power called the Casket of Ancient Winters. Odin defeated them and seized the casket.  The story then switched to the present and spent a large portion on earth in a small town in New Mexico where Thor has been banished until he learns humility. Ironically the small town in New Mexico that Thor lands in is called old bridge, a possible historic reference to the bifrost gateway between realms.
Loki  in closer examination was not plotting for the thrown in this film, but seeking more recognition and approval by Odin, Loki by his nature is a trickster, he also has been constantly rubbed the wrong way by his brother Thor, Odin's favorite Son who would be destined to rule Asgard. So Loki was driven to scheming the banishment of Thor or denying Thor the Crown, which was the true extent of his plans. He inadvertently discovered his adoption, and the truth that he was taken by Odin during the war with Frost Giants his natural people. As the means to be used later to bridge peace between Asgard and Jotenheim. But its flawed in thinking when he has no identity to the people he was taken from and no connection or history of any Frost Giant so to govern or bridge the the rift seems ill thought out. The reckoning of this discovery places Odin into the Odin-sleep and Loki as Ruler of Asgard in the all-father's absence. Liking his new position of power; Loki attempts to hold on to his position and sends the destroyer to Earth when the Warriors Three and Lady Sif seek to rescue Thor.

Producer Craig Kyle who along with Kevin Feige  re-iterated Marvel's mindset of casting. They were not looking for a big name actor who would sell seats, they wanted to hire an actor who could embodied a fully realized character . A possibility proven successful as unknown actor Hugh Jackman made Wolverine synonymous. Chris Hemsworth, though maybe rocky to be received by fans at the start of his ten year odyssey to embrace his character as Thor. It is in the concept of Marvel that no actor is bigger than their character  as witnessed  in the replacing of big name actors Terrence Howard for Don Cheadle, & Edward Norton for Mark Ruffalo; or removing or replacing actors due to scheduling like Jaimie Alexander and Josh Dallas. Of course there are the exception to the rule with Robert Downey Jr.

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