Friday 28 August 2020

Captain America (1979)

To watch this era of Captain America on the surface without context of the time in which it was produced is a travesty, I think of Bob Dylan's song :The times they are A changin" a very generalized lyrical song that became an anthem for social change. the song itself can be interpreted to represent many did things but remains a song of bringing an awareness to what is going on around and what is taking place in the most vaguest sense. 
When Stan Lee took over the writing of Captain America  from Joe Simon and Jack Kirby in 1964. It was well after the conclusion of the second world war, having that particular archetypal character at that point was irrelevant and unfavorable which was why the initial run ended and was dormant for about ten years.
  So in issue 4 of the Avengers, marvel comics recon his origin and many of the unpopular propaganda and social satirical liberties Timely comics drafted of this character and made him a man out of time. Stan Lee literally thawed him out of the ice age to a new era, from a simple patriotic solider sent out to protect his country from outside evil to  seeing evil  be done onto themselves and from within the branches of government who was designed to help. Stan Lee created relevance to a hero who stood a mirror to society and pointed out the trappings we have fallen into from a person who had an untarnished moral compass.

Captain America (1979) is hero of his time, The American military was not heavily favored by the people now at the end of Vietnam war and country was in a grip of A-changin, a reoccurrence of the OPEC crisis was gripping the world and in 1980  began the recession.  Similar to president Obama, the 39th president Jimmy Carter took office in January 1979 and inherited an economic downturn, an energy crisis, an escalating cold war with the Soviet Union and milieu of problems. So to have Captain America a war hero waving the flag and saying America the good would be ill conceived especially  on the second day in office when Carter drafted  an executive order of amnesty for Vietnam war era draft evaders.  That draft took place two days after the release of Captain America 1979.
So the outliers of the film are the following, there is no super villain but a wealthy man looking to make more money in range of 1.4 Billion in gold, he is represented in the form of a business company - Andreas oil company.  Our hero is a reluctant hero, an honorably discharged marine, who grew up at west point academy, and was done with that life, Steve Rogers in this carnation just wants to drive along the coast of California and enjoy life, sticking to his talent as an artist sketching beautiful coastal scenery and people.  We learn he is the son of the original Captain America, and possess the genetic markers that would grant him the same abilities of his father should he want it. His answer right out of the gate is to reject the idea and any further service to his service country, the villains are aware of him being captain America but don't want the research formula to make a super soldier, they just want money.  They want possession of a neutron bomb and seek the plans to create it. The villains only interest towards Steve  is that  he may know the location of those plans.
On the surface of watching the movie its reminiscent to Captain America 1944, you can say it might be connected because Steve Rogers' father would be of the time of Captain America 1944.  A man not of the war but a man who fought people of social injustices and they ridiculed him  by naming him captain America for his ideals. The film aired on CBS, and was a made for television movie, its writers, director, cinematographer and crew were all seasoned tradesmen working in television. Their general credentials were working on shows like the Six Million Dollar Man, Gunsmoke, Fantasy Island, and Mannix.

So the upbeat musical score, crane shots and helicopter shots was very familiar to its time.  Filming at night posed the problems at that time as detailed visibility was lost in many shows who shot sequences during that period. The movie itself was meant as an origin story, and further adventures of Captain America would come in November of that same year as a two part one hour episodes where actor Reb Brown would return as the main character and wear the outfit more often and perform more of the Evil Knievel motorcycle type stunts. Which was the what the young fan base really gravitated  to at the time, and enjoyed its toy marketing.

Friday 21 August 2020

Agents of Shield SEASON ONE (8 - 16)

Marvels Agents of Shield was cultivated around Agent Phil Coulson, with the mystery of his return from the dead. The show also serves one primary directive; to carry on the mythology of the world of Marvel. Season one exists after the events of Iron man 3 to the concluding events of Captain America: Winter Soldier.  In between these two films Thor: Dark World debuted, and Episode 8 titled ‘The Well’, picks up on the aftermath of that story, with Shield arriving in London collecting and containing any and all alien or Asgardian artifacts in the prevention of them falling into the wrong hands.  Similar to Damage Control a Shield salvage team as seen in the opening sequence of Spiderman –Homecoming with star Tyne Daly.  ‘The Well’, would tell of an additional story of an Asgardian residing here on earth hiding amongst humans.

In comics, Shield began with its first introductory 12 page story on August 1965, in issue #135 of Strange Tales. Based on the ideas of Stan Lee and illustrations of Jack Kirby, The first pages introduces us to an LMD – Life Model Decoy, Former Army Sergeant Nick Fury was being cast for one in the opening. He and his howling commandos were entering the world of espionage to battle the fascist terrorists called Hydra.  The final pages of that first issue saw Fury and an agent fleeing a Hydra attack with Lola.  The same vehicle we are introduced to in the Pilot of Agents of Shield, as the personal property of Phil Colson, the car that also flies.

The comic book series was a reflection of the times, America was in the midst of the Cold War with Russia.  The same year of the comic making its Debut, Television network NBC began airing its new series the Man from U.N.C.L.E.; it is believed that this is where Stan Lee was inspired to give shield its acronym . Back then the name stood for Supreme Headquarters of International Espionage Law-Enforcement Division.  In November of 1965, Thunderball was released in theatres, it was the 5th James Bond Movie to hit theatres, so it’s not too difficult to imagine the world of spies and covert operations would be very much in the lexicon of an accepting general audience. The popularity of the comic gave Nick Fury and the agents of Shield its own self titled series on June 1968. Where familiar characters like Jasper Sitwell and Dum Dum Dugan can now be seen making cameo appearances in Season one Agents of Shield.   

In the Peggy Carter flashbacks including the return episode of season 2, we see Dum Dum Dugan, and in a couple of episodes between episodes 7 to 16 we are introduced to Jasper Sitwell; Sitwell made his first on screen appearance with the Marvel-One Shot item 47. The mission to accessing  and identifying threats  in this world among gods, aliens and enhance humans  continues in season one,  Phil Coulson and fans learn how he came back after being killed by Loki, and the truth and history of that discovery still has miles of unraveling to go.

Episodes 8 though 16 brings another Asgardian story with Lady Sif, and the miles of unraveling hits a Agatha Christie twist on a Train ride, just before the reveal of the source of Coulson return is given to us. His escape from death gives us even more questions as their plane flies back to the HUB; one of shields secret headquarters during the wake of Captain America: Winter Soldier.  The remarkable structure of the storytelling makes each individual episode compelling both in dialogue, bringing those moments of humor and levity in an otherwise serious toned situation. The conflicts and resolutions of episodic television exists, but the long game of it all heading towards something very big and very particular is felt and the clues and the characters we meet along the way all have a contribution to that end game.

Friday 14 August 2020

Thor & Loki: Blood Brothers (2011)

Blood Brothers:  Is a story of Loki, it begins the scenario of Loki already defeating his brother and ascending onto the throne of Asgard.  It’s an exploration of what happens when you have everything you ever wanted and no other ambition. Loki is King, with rule over the Asgardian Army and of its people. The day to day operations of being a ruler and the responsibility of being a king to be, is what comes into subject.  When there is no world to conquer or invasion to defend; with your only enemies locked away under guard in your own prison; what becomes the next step?

The animation does not show the battle between brothers or how Loki defeated Odin and Thor to ascend to the throne. It displays the notion of happiness, once the struggle is achieved and journey is fulfilled, it becomes a place of self reflection and almost spiritual awakenings.  Loki realizes the bond of brotherhood, and actualization of being King to the day to day needs of his people.  To run a society many of which he has hurt or harmed in the past, must now over hear litigation and neighboring disputes. His mind reflects of his past deeds to Lady Sif, Thor’s lover and to his birth heritage.  He is the rightful son of a frost giant.  Thor still remains a symbol to his people and he is the brother and family Loki has ever known.  Having Hela the goddess of death, approach him unafraid of his new position wanting the soul of his brother poses a new facet in Loki’s life, he has the power to save his brother and control the outcome of Thor’s fate in either this world or in the hereafter.

Thor: Blood Brothers is a character analysis, a deep dive of a third act of an otherwise traditional story. On the positive it gives more depth to the central character of Loki, Villains rarely view themselves as such, but merely a misunderstood victim, a person denied the opportunity, or overlooked for their efforts. Changing the hearts and minds of others is not as easy a conquest for land and property. The story brings those themes to the forefront as the miniseries is a self-contained story and delivers a message of imbalances even in a world of perceived perfection. Each episode is very short and it repeats its opening narrative, and if you were to watch the series in one sitting the experience becomes monotonous from its retellings.

Friday 7 August 2020

Thor: Dark World (2013)

Thor Dark World: In short form Thor, the Warriors three and a reluctant Loki work together to defeat Malekith and his dark elves from destroying the nine realms and plunging all existence in an age of darkness. In Long form every 5,000 years a convergence happens where all 9 realms position themselves in perfect alignment and small doorways begin popping up in varied areas as the walls of each worlds begin to overlap, the Aether an element of enormous power and a means for the dark elves to rule. Is uncovered and has made its way delving inside Jane Foster after her stumbling through a portal and into a hidden vault. To save Jane from impeding death Thor brings her to Asgard to help remove this ancient weapon, but Malekith is the only person who can summon the Aether completely without harming her, but the cost could bring forth the end of days.

In the events of Dark World Frigg dies and Loki whose own acts of mischief indirectly causes this tragic loss of his mother.  Feeling the pain of his actions Loki is tormented by it. The Aether gets placed in the hands of the collector who resides in an Interstellar port called Knowhere and he recognizes it as the reality infinity stone, a source code to the DNA of the universe, and ancient dark elves did not know or tapped into its true potential. Malekith altered its form as a stone to weaponize it as means to bring only darkness. Things we learn are that Odin’s father was Bor and he ruled Asgard and defeated the Dark Elves. Bor placed the Aether in a hidden place in Svartalfheim the realm of the Dark Elves. There is another way to travel between realms without the Bifrost Bridge, and Odin reeling with the loss of his wife finds himself with his days numbered as Loki has secretly re-seized the throne.

 Algrim the right hand man for Malekith transforms himself to a more powerful hulking monster known as Kurse to help defeat the Asgardians and attain their goal of total darkness.  Algrim is also the lone surviving Dark Elf and advisor to Odin’s Counsel in the animated movie Tales of Asgard.  A story that does not run in conjunction with the Marvel cinematic universe as Algrin was present in Thor and Loki’s childhood, and his character dies as a full member of an invading army of elves in Dark World.

According to a March 2020 Article of Vanity Fair, Director Patty Jenkins who was planning promotions for the release of Wonder Woman 1984 revealed she was attached to the film before ultimately going to Director AlanTaylor.  After the success of the movie Monster, that garnered Charlize Theron an Oscar win, Jenkins was tapped to direct, but felt the structure of the script was something she could not manage and bring to the big screen successfully, and being a multi-million dollar blockbuster film she felt, being a woman would be the viewed reason of it lacking success not poor storytelling.  The film had many re-writes and a handful of writers attached to it including Christopher Markus and Stephen Mcfeely who wrote the Captain America trilogy and Infinity Saga conclusion. Alan Taylor’s last film was Terminator Geneysis and he has not done a feature since, but has found some success directing a couple of episodes of Game of thrones.  Thor: Dark World for many critics and fans have their ranking list at the  bottom tier of all 23 films of the MCU, and any recent re-evaluation of this ranking is in part due to the writings of Christopher Markus and Stephen Mcfeely  for giving the film validation in the narrative of writing Avengers: EngGame.