Friday 7 August 2020

Thor: Dark World (2013)

Thor Dark World: In short form Thor, the Warriors three and a reluctant Loki work together to defeat Malekith and his dark elves from destroying the nine realms and plunging all existence in an age of darkness. In Long form every 5,000 years a convergence happens where all 9 realms position themselves in perfect alignment and small doorways begin popping up in varied areas as the walls of each worlds begin to overlap, the Aether an element of enormous power and a means for the dark elves to rule. Is uncovered and has made its way delving inside Jane Foster after her stumbling through a portal and into a hidden vault. To save Jane from impeding death Thor brings her to Asgard to help remove this ancient weapon, but Malekith is the only person who can summon the Aether completely without harming her, but the cost could bring forth the end of days.

In the events of Dark World Frigg dies and Loki whose own acts of mischief indirectly causes this tragic loss of his mother.  Feeling the pain of his actions Loki is tormented by it. The Aether gets placed in the hands of the collector who resides in an Interstellar port called Knowhere and he recognizes it as the reality infinity stone, a source code to the DNA of the universe, and ancient dark elves did not know or tapped into its true potential. Malekith altered its form as a stone to weaponize it as means to bring only darkness. Things we learn are that Odin’s father was Bor and he ruled Asgard and defeated the Dark Elves. Bor placed the Aether in a hidden place in Svartalfheim the realm of the Dark Elves. There is another way to travel between realms without the Bifrost Bridge, and Odin reeling with the loss of his wife finds himself with his days numbered as Loki has secretly re-seized the throne.

 Algrim the right hand man for Malekith transforms himself to a more powerful hulking monster known as Kurse to help defeat the Asgardians and attain their goal of total darkness.  Algrim is also the lone surviving Dark Elf and advisor to Odin’s Counsel in the animated movie Tales of Asgard.  A story that does not run in conjunction with the Marvel cinematic universe as Algrin was present in Thor and Loki’s childhood, and his character dies as a full member of an invading army of elves in Dark World.

According to a March 2020 Article of Vanity Fair, Director Patty Jenkins who was planning promotions for the release of Wonder Woman 1984 revealed she was attached to the film before ultimately going to Director AlanTaylor.  After the success of the movie Monster, that garnered Charlize Theron an Oscar win, Jenkins was tapped to direct, but felt the structure of the script was something she could not manage and bring to the big screen successfully, and being a multi-million dollar blockbuster film she felt, being a woman would be the viewed reason of it lacking success not poor storytelling.  The film had many re-writes and a handful of writers attached to it including Christopher Markus and Stephen Mcfeely who wrote the Captain America trilogy and Infinity Saga conclusion. Alan Taylor’s last film was Terminator Geneysis and he has not done a feature since, but has found some success directing a couple of episodes of Game of thrones.  Thor: Dark World for many critics and fans have their ranking list at the  bottom tier of all 23 films of the MCU, and any recent re-evaluation of this ranking is in part due to the writings of Christopher Markus and Stephen Mcfeely  for giving the film validation in the narrative of writing Avengers: EngGame.

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