Friday 18 September 2020

Agents of Shield SEASON ONE (17 - 22)

No longer an oversight commission for the Avengers, and with the Director of Shield believed dead. Coulson and his team are now outlaws as Hydra has infiltrated Shield . So with limited resources and being continuously on the run, the final episodes brings closure and some questions. The Guest House (GH-325) serum that regenerated the injuries that Skye had sustained, had its discoveries made  too late to be stopped and only Coulson and Skye knows the truth. Sometimes the simplest of answers is to follow the money; Deathlok and the all the  high tech  weapons at the clairvoyant's disposal had to be funded and
created by someplace, and the common thread has always been Cybertech. And that mission reveals the very first Deathlok model - Shield Agent Garrett.  Upon the apprehension of Garret the remaining top brass of Shield that includes Victoria Hand got executed as double agent Grant Ward is an Agent of Hydra and Garrett's own protégé.  After breaking into the fridge for Shield's classified findings, weapons and most dangerous felons. We get one last backstory, spoken about in Avengers (2012) in a carry away line between -
Tony Stark and Steve Rogers, regarding a cellist Coulson was dating being his only viable last of kin. A dangerous infected person locked away in the fridge was obsessed with Coulson's love interest and the team has to come out of hiding to secure her safety and risk Coulson's level 7 secret of being dead to the world. On the heels of that story Grant has returned back to the team, because of Skye's encryption to GH-325 files, after he jettison the science team deep to the ocean floor and killing the liaison  officer for Providence the strong hold base of Fury that was off the books to Shield.  Now with the discovery of Grant as double agent from the liaison's dead body.
Skye leaves a clue with a team as she goes with him to evade suspicion. Long story short, Raina and her team enhance the only vial of GH-325 they possessed and save Garrett from certain death as his Deathlok parts were fading, the genesis not only boosted Garrett back from the dead but opened his mind to spiritual and cosmic natures of the universe as well as giving him super human strength and endurance. Using Alien tech of an 084 Garrett is blasted to nothingness by Coulson, and Fury makes an appearance rescuing Fitz /Simmons from the Ocean floor, Fitz suffering brain and neurological damage from lack of prolong  oxygen will live. As Fury gives Coulson his toolbox, making him the official director of shield as he now goes underground to route out Hydra  from the shadows.
Grant Ward is captured and Mike Peterson aka Deathlok is a no longer under the control of Hydra, looking to slowly make amends for his past sins, Mike Peterson will go his own way. The questions we are left  with is Daisy's past, she shares an unknown connection with Raina the woman in the Floral dress, who also claims to know Daisy's father. Seeing first hand the breaching insanity of Garrett under the influence of GH-325, our last segment leaves us with Coulson carving out the same Alien symbols on a giant wall as the show draws to a season end.
The series gets to return with a continuing story as the next earthbound MCU story would be Avengers: Age of Ultron. in the spring of 2015. So Season two would display how the team has faired in the wake of their present circumstances. With the story of the Avenger's connection being made in the final episodes of the second season.

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