Friday 6 November 2020

Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

Guardians of the Galaxy is directed and co-written by James Gunn.  A man who got his start learning the craft working for Troma studios, the b-movie production company that brought you a cult favorite like the Toxic Avenger.  Gunn came to Marvel expecting that a few of the songs he wanted used could receive clearance for the soundtrack of the movie; coming from his last film which had a budget of $3 million dollars and some creative restraints. Gunn was happily surprised that the Marvel’s legal team and budget was accommodating to include all the songs on his wish list. The reward in bringing these songs to the landscape of the movie was to bridge generations, the music of the 70’s have a nostalgic undercurrent for an older audience and to a young generation who listen to music that samples songs of that decade got to re-connect to the original artist. A lyrical narrative of the songs relate in the journey of telling this operatic space odyssey.  At its time Guardians of the Galaxy volume 1 is the only Marvel soundtrack that broke into Billboards 200 music charts. Black Panther would be the second motion picture of the stable of 23 to reach the same musical status and influence a market that was not in the movie industry.

The Worlds of the Guardians; Earth is referenced as Terra,   Gunn has made a note that not all aliens speak the same language, and that Peter Quill aka Star Lord has some form of interpreter device that allows him to understand and communicate to all the species, so when a character mentions a hamster in one of the dialogues it is not an Earth hamster, but in a reference to an animal that characteristics and stature would be equivalent, that his device could interpret in a translation based on Terra edition translation.  

Morag: The Abandoned planet, in a written scene not included in the movie The Broker, played by British actor Chris Fairbanks provides Peter Quill a holographic map device of an ancient city in Morag. Centuries ago the planet cultivated an advanced civilization until climate change or some extinction level event decimated the inhabitants.  Every 300 years the oceans would recede allowing passage into the remnants of this once great city. Quill arrives early, likely when it’s not safe to do so to claim the Orb before Yondo and the Ravagers, or Korath the Pursuer and his men arrive on the planet.  This one fact can explain why in the last 300 years neither that of Thanos nor anyone else was unable to claim all the infinity stones until this point.

Xandar- Headquarters to the Nova Empire, The Nova Corps, and to the Broker.  The planet has 3 Suns in relative close proximity to one another; this unusual alignment is showcased on the chest plate of a Nova officer and is a proudly distinguished insignia of the planet’s inhabitants.

The Klyn. Is  space station that acts as a prison, or a federal penitentiary, for the worst offenders that Nova Corp has come in contact, a super max prison structure, similarly seen in films like Fortress,  Escape plan,  and partially in face off.  The Klyn is where the last member of the Guardians of the Galaxy is met, Draxx the Destroyer. The alliance and the formation of the group is forged in their need of one another to escape the Klyn and their reason to remain is the contents of the Orb.

Sancturary  is a planetoid planet , ruled by Thanos and home to the Chitauri, The Other, and the Space Throne. In the movie we are first introduced to Nebula on the planetoid to accompany Ronan the Accuser, it is however suggested that the children of Thanos resides at Knowhere. But for the movie it seems very evident his Black order would be by his side.

Knowhere  A mining colony  is actually the remnants of an ancient celestial head, Home of the collector,  A captured Howard the Duck and Dark Elf, and according to comics The Black Order (Children of Thanos) would also reside here, but that would make little sense because the infinity Gem being guarded by the collector would be at a threat being so closed to Thanos’ minions. We are also introduced to Sakaarn people giving chase to the guardians in addition to the ravagers.  The planet Sakaar not visited in the movie is further right of the Knowhere and more  along the outskirts of this Galaxy

Hala  is the Home Planet to the Kree, Home to Ronan the Accuser, He is unearthed and dressed in his introduction of the movie . As his name suggest he represents the military branch of government and is  a jurists, and is considered the third most powerful Kree in the Empire. The Kree and Xandorians have orchestrated a peace treaty, to end their 1000 year blood soaked war, Ronan holds on to his fundamental old ways most likely witnessing the death of his grandfather and father in this bloodied war.  Ronan is clearly divided with this union of peace and wants the eradication of Xandar , The Power stone would grant him satisfaction in his bloodlust.

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