Friday 4 December 2020

Ultimate Avengers 2

Ultimate Avengers 2, was a follow up to a movie that was released earlier that same year in 2006.   Unlike its predecessor, this film has 3 well known actors providing their voices.  Producer Craig Kyle, has went on record to say he did not want people trying to guess who was providing the voices in the original movie, so he deliberately hired regular actors who best occupied the role.  On the credits you will read Dwight Schultz , Mark Hamil, and Chi McBride;  in addition to regular voice actor Olivia D’Abo who was known best for her role in the Wonder Years, playing Fred Savages’ sister.

The sequel probably takes place in real time, only a few months after the events of the first film. The film opens up in Wakanda, as Prince T’Challa has returned from abroad, his father King T’Chaka sent him to study in Oxford , where gained an PhD. in physics. The Chitarui aliens have entered Wakanda lead by Herr Kleiser a high ranking member of the alien hierarchy who is a shape shifter alien; who back in World War 2 absorbed and devoured the original Nazi officer with that name.  In the early phases of Marvel, the studio did not own the rights to the Skrulls it was a property of 20th Century Fox, The Chitauri, an alien race existing only in the Ultimates; are revealed to be a subversive group of terrorists within the alien Skrull race.  This fact is completely dropped and not included in the motion picture movies due to the conflict of Intellectual property ownership.

Ultimate Avengers 2: The movie, predates Avengers: Age of Ultron by 9 years, but shares some similar story threads. In the theatrical release Thor was given a vision by the Norns of Fate while bathing in a sacred pool. While in this movie Thor can be seen practicing the art of Ruinic divination. Translating messages from ancient ideograms by using the environment and sacrificing a bit of his own blood.  The message came in the form of a nightmare vision foretelling the death of the avengers. Steve Rogers has trouble sleeping as he struggles being a man out of time; out living everyone he has ever known, and pushing hard at being just a soldier the one thing he was designed for and finds comfortable in doing; as his life outside of that appears empty.

Bruce Banner remains under containment and is periodically interrogated for his actions in the first movie; those scenes are a throwback to issue #7 of the Ultimates comic titled Homeland security.  The interrogation establishes the tone for this movie.  We are watching a drama; many of the cast of characters have conflicts ahead of the alien invasion, Hank Pym though a scientific genius is emotionally unstable with his relationship with Janet, and displaying an imbalance on his perception with acceptance on accomplishments. Tony Stark has a subtle call back to the story of demon in the bottle has he is seen having a private drink amongst the team who are arguing.  Thor has constantly defied his father with his connection to Midgard, in the comics that defiance has led to numerous occasions where Odin had stripped him of his powers. Conversely the original motion picture, Thor’s powers were stripped because his ego and lack of empathy and consideration for his people on Asgard, had him cast out to Midgard.

At the heart of this movie is an extra-terrestrial invasion; however the film does not embrace a lovecraftian approach in its storytelling.  Herr Kleiser is the only entity with body manipulation, as his story climax takes shape with a horror element.  The overall direction of movie leans more to Orson Wells’ War of the Worlds, adapted by H.G. Wells novel; the images with the attack on London clearly depict imagery from that story and the world being encased in a dome with attacks all over the world in tandem to the attack on Wakanda.  

Most characters story arcs reach a resolve or an evolution; as characters like Bruce Banner does end up in a different place by the conclusion of the movie there is an open door for a further story development.  Ultimate Avengers 3, though possible to make is not likely to be created as Marvel Studios has plan to set up both future television series and animated series under the umbrella of phase 4 and phase 5 line ups. A realization would have to come from fans pushing a request through social media and other venues to show interest.  An opportunity that won’t be realized in that specific art form, however fans will have splinters of other stories starting with “What if….”  An upcoming animated anthology series coming to phase 4, with an episode asking what if Peggy Carter received the super soldier serum during the World War.

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