Friday 19 February 2021

Daredevil SEASON TWO


For its second season, it’s clear the show shares a co-spotlight with its additional heroes for our lead to work off of.  The first four episodes is strictly Frank Castle, his back story, and his mission to eliminate the three rival gangs that inadvertently massacred his entire family and left him for dead.  Picking right up at the conclusion of Castle’s story the series explores the history of Matt Murdoch and Elektra Natchios, of when they first met in an ambitious solo story.  The episode focuses on Elektra’s nefarious dealings with the Roxxon Corporation and its affiliation with the Yakuza.  The remaining episodes balance parallel running stories with Frank and Elektra. Beginning with Castle’s incarceration; his day in court, to how he is freed and believed dead, to finally how he dons his trademark bulletproof skull vest.  While running in rhythm with Elektra’s true purpose of being back in New York; glimpsing the woman behind the aristocratic grin, and the war brewing beneath the city of New York.  

With a change of showrunners and bringing Vincent D’Onofrio’s Wilson Fisk Character late into the story, The season keeps tabs on all the main characters while keeps the world of Matt Murdock off balance as the nights as daredevil interrupts his days as an attorney. 

The series brings back its iconic one take single camera shot, for another dynamic choreographed fight sequence, this time down a spiral staircase of a building, with DareDevil single handedly fighting an entire biker gang with one hand taped to an unloaded hand gun.  This world is exhilarating with the hand to hand combat that’s not only refreshing with each encounter; it tries to elevate the game, having stakes and meaning behind each bone crunching chop and punch.  The season takes its time to draw out conversations and questions the merits of vigilantism juxtapose to the judicial system.

It transforms Karen Page with the spirit of Ben Urich for uncovering a journalistic truth from an unprecedented conspiracy; a conspiracy at the D.A’s office and possibly higher levels of government, which sees Karen pursing this truth at the New York Bulletin.

On a broader picture, the series sets up portions of future shows, Karen Page establishing a trust and bond with Frank Castle for the spin off season of Punisher.  The scene motivated by the gunfire in D.A. Reyes office, brings Matt Murdoch face to face with Wilson Fisk in prison and recklessly creates the catalyst of what season 3 ultimately becomes.  Claire Temple leaving her job at Metro General upset when money clouds moral obligations which prompt’s her decision to move back home, close to her mother in Harlem and the world of Luke Cage.  Foggy Nelson joins Jeri Hogarth law firm, and assistant D.A. Blake Tower’s social climbing in the political arena sees him in higher position of power to making his presence known from a hostage crisis at Harlem’s Paradise to an election voting campaign in Hell’s Kitchen.

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