Friday 2 July 2021

Spiderman HomeComing (2017)

 True to form, a friendly neighborhood Spiderman;  fresh off his travels from Germany to stop team Captain America in Civil war;  Finds our hero brought back home to Queens, New York to stop local and petty crimes.  A conundrum of youth wanting to take part in grown up roles  when sampling the highlights and benefits, Ultimately what is learned is that they sometimes miss out on the offerings and  short lived experiences of  what youth has to offer.  The expression to stop and smell the roses comes to mind in this case.

Thankfully this film decides to look past his origin story and his departed uncle Ben; We are given Year-two of Spiderman as he now meets up with untapped villains from his usual rogue gallery.  Making their first appearance on the big screen are Vulture, a member of the would be sinister six, and Shocker another colorful villain in Spiderman's past.  Here they are everyday blue collar workers picking up the scraps to get by. The time frame provided is 8 years after the battle of New York  (2012), making it 2020 or late 2019; which is technically already in the period of the blip since five years after infinity war the heroes come back to fight again in 2023.  The exact time in relation to the MCU is not entirely accurate; nor should every detail and continuity completely hold up as the intellectual film distribution rights is owned by Sony Pictures not Disney. However, from the audience perspective we should give thanks in  part to the Sony hack scandal, the removal of Andrew Garfield, and the negative publicity of  revealing emails that put Sony Pictures and Amy Pascal a very high ranking and  influential executive producer to be more receptive to co-work with Marvel Studios and Disney on this historical joint venture and have the beloved character work among the sandbox of other major marvel characters.

The introduction in civil war which acted as teaser and promotional appetizer,  enticed viewers to see Tom Holland and his role as Spiderman  to really take off,  Being 19 years of age when he shot the movie; making him to be the first ever real teenager or age accurate performer to play the coveted role.  Tom Holland embraces the perfect balance of youthful innocence. likeability and demeanor that a character of Peter Parker would portray.  Being a trained dancer and gymnast allowed Tom the skill set to pull off the necessary requirements to become Spiderman.  This is a hero of expected awkwardness and most importantly a youth on a journey of being a grown up, his destiny is to overcome the odds,  yet not to be on top to bask in success nor always get the girl, as what Stan Lee had devised.  Future films will see Peter Parker struggle and rise above it all only to stumble a bit, and not always have the perfect balance in his life.  It has been the successful recipe and trade mark of Spiderman that fans have come accustom to expect , wanting to root for this hero as he is destined to be larger than life, but always struggling behind the 8 ball of personal failures as his sacrifices as a  hero has left him wanting.

 The relationship Peter has with his Aunt May, his friendship with Ned Leeds and his potential love interest with MJ. Is a more modernized tale from when Stan Lee wrote the hero back in the August 1962 for Amazing Fantasy.  This Peter Parker is taken similar to that of the Avengers' storyline, which is of the Ultimates comic-book line;  This is a Peter Parker/Spiderman of the 21st century. The high school bully is no longer a football jock, and the girl does not need to be saved, she can mine her own path.  The love interest in this movie is a mcguffin, but it services the point of the plot and ultimately the balanced accord between the Vulture and Spiderman when watching the post credit scene. It;  like moving past an origin retelling is a welcome swerve for the audience, giving us something new, and potentially setting up something exciting for the future.

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