Saturday 1 October 2022

What If (Animated Series)

Aristotle wrote "Everything happens for a reason"

As there's purpose, meaning and growth to be gained from whatever tough times you face.  All life's challenges are there to offer you special miracle-growth-insights to help you rise up stronger and higher as your mightiest self.

As a philosopher Aristotle believed the universe is in a state of constant motion, always changing, always in motion, and there is one thing that always remains a constant, he gave it a word 'Entelechy' which means "your unique-to-you highest potential" and that everything on this planet possesses its own entelechy.

In the comics, Watchers were ancient species dating back to the beginning of the universe.  
Initially they took action and became involved but decided to be observers, as they are committed to observing and compiling knowledge of the growing vast universe. Their oath or rule was that of non-interference which stems from an ancient incident that lead them to share their knowledge to another civilization whose inhabitants ultimately destroyed themselves from it.  So, who watches the Watchers? it's a paradox, in the principle of universes and possibilities; the quick answer are the readers and viewers.

On the Disney+ animated series the viewers are introduced to Uatu - The Watcher, voiced by actor Jeffery Wright. Uatu serves as show narrator and guide, appearing at the start of the story and again at its conclusion. This holds true in either print form of the comic-book series or streaming as an animated series, The formula is not new; Director Alfred Hitchcock and Twilight Zone creator Rod Serling are prime examples of that presentation structure. With their stories varying from lighthearted to dark and serious tone, 'What If' is less like the Mothman prophecies and more just an anthology.  First published in 1977, The 'What if' series tells alternative reality stories outside the mainstream marvel continuity. More precisely, 'What If' tells an alternate story from an event that existed in the 616 Universe. 

It serves a creative outlet for the writers and illustrators of the comic books, as Marvel & DC comics had all their characters confined to beholden for 20 -50 years of continuity in storytelling, this else-worlds anthology gave liberty to explore characters with less restraint in a complete one-off story that tells an alternative outcome from a significant moment in 616 - history.

Uatu - in the final episode of season one, breaks his oath, In the comics he breaks his oath throughout his history, his actions were made aware to the other Watchers after he revealed himself and his kind's existence to the fantastic four and engaged in battling a number of catastrophic turn of events alongside the fantastic four.  The question in season 2 of What If, Is that, will his punishment for breaking his oath hold true in the animated series.  as it was in the comic-books.

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