Thursday 12 December 2013

Looking Forward to TTC improvements

To most outside of the city of Toronto, this post is completely meaningless, so this is going to be really short and to the point, and is an add on to the normal weekly scheduled post.

As of December 10th the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) has launched free WIFI in two of its major interconnecting stations, 'St. George Station' & "Yonge/Bloor Station".  Looking at models found in New York and other metropolitan cities Toronto is trying to keep up with the changing times. 

Fellow Torontonians and those who commute in and out of the city have been experiencing major construction headaches along the downtown core for nearly two years.   An article was released indicating work from Union Station to Pearson International Airport is going along as scheduled.  It will be an express route stopping only at Bloor then Weston Road / Lawrence Avenue.  
Elsewhere the Light Rail Transit have been conducting test runs for the past few months late at night, with on lookers salivating for it to come off production and into use...  Like the media attention of our beloved Major Rob Ford,  Transit is seeing its fair share of headaches and financial hoop jumps.   The comfort we as people who live in Toronto should take solace in, is no one is abandoning the work, and progress is moving forward, just slow or in other venues as we learn from time to time.  The following video was released at the beginning of December.

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