Friday 30 April 2021

Doctor Strange (2016)


Doctor Strange works sort of like an adhesive clue to keep all the worlds of the MCU cohesively together.   With Joss Whedon's Avengers (2012) movie, we got our first ever superhero team up, and historically a team up of an ensemble of heroes on the big screen. The movie introduced a world where Gods & Aliens exist, while answering the question we are not alone in the universe.  Doctor Strange the Sorcerer Supreme deposits the notion of supernatural threats unknown to every day citizens. These mystic threats date back hundreds of years before a coven of witches predicted the coming of  a Scarlet Witch,  or Asgardian warriors like Thor seeking guidance on their missions as was the case in Thor Ragnorok; and in the midst of chaos magic, posed to open the multiverse landscape for more crossover and/or pollinations of characters into the MCU.  

This movie acts as a ground zero, we get the origins of Doctor Stephen Strange, A Brilliant and revered surgeon, whose ego tragically derails his intended future and charts his life as the resident sorcerer  supreme. Entrusted with the Eye of Agamotto  a talisman that holds the infinity stone to control time.  Strange will mentor and be advisor to the many heroes of Earth, as threats continue to unfold. Besides foreseeing the multiple outcomes to an endgame in which the heroes of Earth could win. Strange is Earth's best chances of survival on any scale. As Captain Marvel poses as the most powerful cosmic force, Hulk as its strongest, and Scarlett Witch as sane/insane creator with the secrets of the Darkhold at her possession, Doctor Strange is posed to be the common denominator between them all to bring balance to the force.

The film explores Stephen Strange's rise as successor to the Ancient one, the being who in one motion separated Bruce Banner from the Hulk within the astral plane. The film also gives rise and understanding to Strange's nemesis Karl Mordo played by Chiwetel Ejiofor, a kin brother in the pursuit of the mystics arts; who would become torn by the secrets and lies held back by their surrogate parent ' The Ancient One'. The parental unfolding is simply the misgivings of  holding back truths; which services an expression "Do as I say, not as I do" that sets the brothers of magic on divided paths (Strange/Modor/Kaecilius). Benedict Cumberbatch plays the title role, and is often described as a Tony Stark knock off with similar facial hair and unchecked balance of ego.  The succession of the ancient one  not only drives home the theme of time, but provides a moral tale that demonstrates the selfless act of compassion  and self sacrifice for something greater than oneself.  (Spoiler) Strange's many deaths to imprison Dormammu and save the earth realm is a sign of things to come and signifies his importance in maintaining the existence of life within the MCU. 

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