Friday 7 May 2021

Jessica Jones SEASON Two

 Jessica Jones Season 2 is a metaphoric example of going two steps forward and one step back.  After taking control of her life and  facing her fear by defeating Kilgrave. Jessica Jones, became an unwilling member of the Defenders, and is now seeing dividends on the positive press.  The season centers around the origin of her powers, uncovering her biological family, and shaping the projected destiny of her closest friends.

With Kilgrave gone and the Defenders defeating 'The Hand', Alias Investigations has been seeing a slight increase of phone calls looking for Jones' services.  Right out of the gate, the season opens up with her adopted sister, child star Trish Walker, uncovering some medical documents leading to the mysterious day of Jessica's Family Car accident.  Trish's aggressive nature to uncover the truth risks reconnecting with Dorothy her toxic showbiz mom to learn the name of the corporation behind Jessica's powers.  The mysterious IGH, a company that also has ties with the origin of Luke Cage's powers.

The show answers the question of how; her miraculous recovery from the car accident unharmed happened, who were the Physician and nurses behind Jessica's recovery. Then the shocking reveal that she was not the only one who survived the accident and the terrible toll it has taken.  While this serves as the primary storyline,  Jones' co-stars get very meaty storyline journeys, Jeri Hogarth, one of the founding partners of a large legal firm, and Jessica's main client for a revenue stream. Has been diagnosed with ALS, The diagnosis slowly creeps into Jeri's sense of control and dealings as she tries move forward without change.  Malcolm Ducasse,  Jessica's only employee  gets enticed to join a rival detective agency and begins to straddle the line between ethics for himself on both personal and professional level.

Trish Walker's ex-boyfriend former NYPD officer Will Simpson has been shadowing  Trish, and inadvertently re-exposed Trish to an experimental performance drug.  Trish who was a recovering  addict,  comes to a crossroads, to work in the framework of how she sees Jessica Jones, being a person destined to become a hero; who wants to make a difference while subconsciously seeking recognition. Or continue down a dark path that sees her righteous convictions upending her established life, and causing physical harm to those around her.

The second season does not introduced  a new super villain, but  explores the trauma of what created Jessica Jones, by both personally shaping the woman she unknowingly becomes, and providing a truth of her physically powered gifts. We take a step back and learn how it all began, and then head towards a darker journey with no certain guarantee of a real happy ending.

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