Friday 11 June 2021

Captain America: Civil War (2016)

At its roots' Civil War is the difference of opinion, the accountability for your actions and being the right hero equipped to handle the job.  Stemming originally from the comics as reflection of a post 9/11 era.  The marvel cinematic universe employs the same principle from three tragedies', to initiate the fracture of points of view.

Civil War began in the Summer of 2006, crossing over every major marvel comic title beginning  in July and concluding in January 2007.  The US government  passes a superhero registration act, to regulate super powered beings under its scope of law.  As such it became mandatory under federal law; that heroes be viewed as human weapons of mass destruction and as such should be undergo proper training, with an option to working with S.H.I.E.L.D. to earn a salary with benefits.   However the powered being would have to reveal their true identity to authorities upon registration. This aggressive mode of action was birthed when  a teenage/young adult superhero team 'The New Warriors' were filming a reality television series and were pursing a villainous group. A villain named nitro exploded near a fuel line killing 600 people including a  school filled with children; with all but one surviving member of the new warriors; branded as baby killers, the sway of public opinion began drafting of the act.

The MCU's alien invasion  referred to as the battle in New York, the destruction of S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters by Hydra's infiltration, and the fall of Sokovia. Tabbing a restoration bill of well over 1 Trillion dollars to taxpayers and countless deaths has triggered the United Nations (signing of 117 countries) to draft of what will be known as the Sokovia Accords to hold heroes accountable, and instill a governmental oversight. In both comic and live adaptation, Captain America and Iron Man held opposing sides to this regulations as Steve Rogers has phrased it, giving up the right to choose. A recent covert Avengers mission in Largos, Nigeria  botched with collateral damage and a large loss of life in an uninformed foreign country initiated the accords to be enacted. Followed by the death of a  diplomat/King of a nation and bombing of the UN, by the Winter Soldier as confirmed by electronic surveillance image has Captain America racing to help clear his friend Bucky and leaves Iron Man feeling political pressure to bring the fugitive to justice as this creates a schism in loyalties.       


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