Friday 4 June 2021


The official news station on the front lines covering  the stories in and around the MCU; in either theatrical release, streaming service, and traditional television series.  Currently anchored by Christine Everhart the journalist from the original Iron Man (2008) who was the journalist that led Tony Stark to reveal to the world at the press conference that he was Iron Man. Everhart who was there in Monte Carlo front and center  live on the ground to report the first appearance of Whiplash, who showed us a god can bleed, and with blood in the water the sharks will come; as thousands of spectators watched Tony battle Ivan Vanko in Iron Man 2  (2010). Since then Christine has climbed up the network to head the news channel's anchor's desk.

With political correspondent Will Adams as a guest presenter,  begin to spar off,  presenting two view points over the management of metahumans  like the Avengers in crisis situations.  The situations in questions are the alien invasion in New York City, Hydra infiltration on shield and destruction of Shield Headquarters in D.C.,  and finally  the devastation in the wake of the Battle in Sokovia.   The season is presented over 5 segments,  the first was to present the argument of a need for oversight,  should the citizens pay more taxes  for a Trillion dollar repair bill,  it followed up with 50/50 response to people on the street, then to an interview with the US President Ellis - Iron Man 3 (2013) whose position to keep silent in lieu of increased tragedies has made him address matters.  The final segments transpire  8 hours after tragedy in Largos, Nigeria, as an Avengers operation had catastrophic civilian casualties.  

The purpose of season 2 is to set up  coming events within Captain America Civil War,   explaining the sudden appearance of retired general Thaddeus Ross now Secretary of State    To route out a general explanation of why the drafting of the Sokovia Accords, and its prompt enactment, so quickly after the Largos incident; and to importantly show a difference of opinion still lingers,  as that difference would be reflected upon in the movie amongst its heroes.

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