Thursday 28 April 2022

Jules Verne

As a person who in my early childhood I did not like confined spaces, it stems from an incident being trapped alone in an elevator for a period of time.  The irony of having that fear was some of the greatest stories I grew up reading and admiring were Vernes' adventures that the heroes traverse through tight knit spaces to explore wonderous lands.

Jules Verne was a French novelist, born in Nantes, France, Feb. 8, 1828.  Educated in law, he gave it up to write unsuccessfully for the stage. In 1862,  however, he wrote "Five Weeks in a Balloon", which initiated a new and enormously popular type of fiction.  Basing his romantic adventure stories on possible scientific invention. Verne succeeded in fascinating and startling his audience , and made many predictions  which have since come true.  His books owed their popularity to their peculiar combination of fantastic detail and plausible scientific explanation, Among the best known of them translated into English were

 A Voyage to the Centre of the Earth (1864), Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1869),  and Around the World in Eighty Days (1873).  He died Mar.24, 1905.

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