Thursday 12 May 2022

Spiderman: No Way Home

Spiderman No Way Home has been characterized as being the equivalent to Endgame; as it represents the entirety of Sony’s Spiderman franchise.

For the most part, critics and audiences have approved and championed this latest installment of the Spiderman franchise. Without us delving into spoilers, what this movie accomplishes is its ability to sway the general audience and comic book fans, by leaving the audience feeling hopeful.   Hopeful, that it’s a brand new day for the character, the hero is left completely removed from the MCU, alone and back to basics.  Saying it out loud sounds horribly unattractive, but the hope is we see the Spiderman of the comic books, both in look and in composure.  This is an amazingly confident and optimistic hero that readers have grown up with for generations.                

What are these back to the basics. 

The Look,   gone are all the Stark technologies, gone are the clumsy hoodie, sweatshirt and woolen mask outfit that he sported it homecoming.  Audience caught a true shining glimpse of the original comic book outfit.  The strong Blue, Red and Black web designed costumed that has been a stapled identity of the character for the past 59 years.

A Lone superhero – even in comic books Spiderman was a lone hero - he worked alone, Becoming a team member of the Avengers for the first time with Captain America after the Raft Breakout - he still had difficulty working with the team he would continue to go out and fight crime solo albeit the neighborhoods, but New York is still a pretty big place.  It took his then wife Mary Jane to tell him to smarten up when you got a good thing going…. And as comic book fate raised its mighty pencil. He rarely has ‘life perfect’  with a personal win, as marvel comics introduced us to Marvel’s Civil War and Brand New Day, which is pretty much where we end Spiderman No Way Home – our Hero –Beginning his brand new Day. Without Mary Jane or any heroes or friends knowing who he ever was. 

Independence  – comic fans and the general audience criticized on how dependent Tom Holland’s  Character portrayal  had given way to having a constant father figure , or mentor to guide him. Spiderman had Stark’s Suit/technologies and sought after the approval of Tony Stark, as seen throughout Homecoming, Civil War, and infinity War.  He had a surrogate in Happy Hogan for ‘Far from Home’, and kept the Stark Technologies suits right up to the very end of No Way Home.   We leave the latest movie, with a character evolution and revolution, having him moving forward out of high school, In control of his own life, capable of being a leader, but now  alone and living a simple low end life as Peter Parker and as a Spiderman who is confident , intellectual and independent - foiling crimes and saving people. As seen swinging  from above in the neighborhoods of New York City as the future is uncertain and unwritten.            

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