Friday 10 September 2021

Jessica Jones SEASON Three


Its a thrilling and bitter sweet conclusion to a well written and directed series, that saw it's star Krysten Ritter direct her very first episode and technically it was one of the more creative, having a nice training montage that incorporating the most cameras used for a scene than any other show of Marvel Netflix series ,and having a technique in storytelling stemming from Kurosawa's  "Rashomon" where its a  retelling of the same story from a completely different point of view, before getting introduced into the main villain of the season.

With hints of Fincher's Seven; Jessica Jones has met her Moriarty in Gregory Salinger a Dexter Morgan type serial killer, who has mastered every conceivable angle for a crime and manipulation to attack back without getting legally caught. Known to the comic book world as Fool Killer, Jessica also finds herself getting into a real relationship with Eric, a Daredevil villain in the comic books known as Mindwave.  Eric in this season has a superpower of sensing evil in others and uses that to swindle money from others.  The season, brings back Trish and Jessica  from an unforgiveable act from season two, only to be tested again on an almost reciprocal way.  The darkness and misdeeds of Malcolm, Jeri and Trish will be atoned for in their own special way as the series progresses, and Trish's mother Dorothy Walker has the most surprising reveal of all, not just borrowing from a chilling cliffhanger episode  from Dexter; but a revealing hidden truth of her daughter is brought into light that makes you question how much sympathy and blame can be given to this overbearing Hollywood mother.

Showrunner Melissa Rosenberg was planning to exit the series after the third season before getting the news of the series cancellation. Rosenberg has always wrote the first and final episode of every season of Jessica Jones seasons;  and now learning of the show's demise Rosenberg had enough time to craft the final episode to give the show its tonal send off  in the right way and end it just as it began.  Similarly to that of Dexter's season 1 finale vs its series finale, Dexter was given a choice to save his sister or choose a life with his brother. In the finale Dexter chooses the path not initially taken.  With Jessica Jones, she was given the choice of fight of flight, and a ticket to go, but does Jessica choose the path not initially taken?

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