Thursday 30 September 2021

Runaways SEASON Three

 The Hulu original programming series comes to an end at Season 3, with the introduction of a new villain Morgan le Fay, and finding closure from story arcs that expanded the entire length of the series. The show says goodbye to a talented cast who has made these wayward teens so enduring to us a viewing audience.

Morgan le Fay is a character that Marvel has acquired the rights since the late seventies/early eighties, A magical nemesis of Arthurian legend.  In the comics, Morgan has battled the Avengers and Spiderwoman on both the astral plane and on a grounded reality.  Here she is played by an enchanting Elizabeth Hurley, a model turned actress who for over the past three decades have racked up an impressive acting resume, from Austin Powers to the Raquel Welch remake Bedazzled, in which she played the devil incarnate. To encapsulating the British monarchy and high society in both The Royals and Gossip Girl. It's to Elizabeth Hurley's credit that gives this version of Morgan  le Fay the right balance of being both an enigma and a presence of dark corruptible magic.

The alien race taking human host to live among us comes to surprising end, this season poses the question of  how beings of light who are superior to humans handle a new force comprised of a dark dimension, Light and absolute Darkness cannot co-exist, The show talks about a prophecy, and introduces the teens to a shape-shifting alien. In the mix, there are characters like Nico and Gertz who are dealing with internal struggles of darkness, from mental health and darkness as a pure literally sense from within

The show, manages to use the above mentioned elements and cannibalize its own story arcs into one final battle arc that sees many characters giving subtle closure, by which end,  should the series decide to go into a spin off.  There would be a landscape of characters and ideas that could be revisited and mined if the show were to carry on.  However, after battling the big bad, and unleashing a hidden darkness  from within the group.  The final episode takes place in the year 2022, sharing a fate similar to that of Marvel's Endgame or more closely to Back to the future. The teens revisit themselves at the beginning of the series, and gives us one last exciting adventure a la
days of future's past while give our heroes an anecdotal swan song, that leaves room for possible outcomes and very expected turns.  

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