Friday 24 September 2021

Thor: Ragnorak (2017)

 In a interview, Hemsworth indicated that his professional acting job has taken a toll on his personal life, his daughter walked away from him at a parent and child function at school, while he was only there for her in a capacity of a cameo appearance due to commitments to go back to Hollywood for a few more months to be Thor after being gone for nearly half that year already.  

Thor Ragnarok was shot almost entirely in Australia giving the Aussie the opportunity to spend his nights at home with his family and make up for time lost, and repair the strenuous relationship he had put on his family.  Director Taika Waititi also a fellow Aussie pitched a compelling story for this third installment to the producers at Marvel, and with his gift for writing and understanding the balance of comedy he played to Hemsworth comedic strength as seen on the remakes of Ghostbusters and National Lampoons vacation. 

 About month into production Taika and Hemsworth shot series of short films or more commonly known as one-shots; being self aware of the questions being generated amongst fans of why Thor wasn't in Civil War,  Thor 3 had gone into production as Civil War was released in theatres, the shorts were titled Team Thor, near the conclusion of production Taika shot the post credit scene for Doctor Strange , with Stephen Strange and Thor seated having a discussion, it is also of note this was the only time in MCU history that Strange has worn his comic book trade mark yellow gloves.  The Director of Doctor Strange Scott Derrickson thought the scene was perfect as it shows the progression of the character leaping from origins into the more wilder world of the MCU.

Critics and fans praise the film for being a refreshing boost to the character and arguably the crown jewel to the then trilogy of films. Thor Ragnarok did not however crack into the billion dollar mark at the box office, it was just shy of under 200 million dollars.    

To put into some perspective it took just over 10 days of release for the movie's worldwide box office total to surpass Justice League's complete box office total. Considering the movie was released one month before the Justice League debut.

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